From the beefy crunch burrito to caramel apple empanadas, many...
Not every fast-food joint is McDonald’s — and not all of them even...
Dave Thomas founded Wendy's in 1969, which means the company has...
From Del Taco to Qdoba, we ranked the most popular Mexican fast food chains around. Find out who came out on top.
Believe it or not, there are still fast-food chains out there that...
Due to high egg prices, the popular breakfast chain Waffle House is...
Sorry, Sbarro. Later, Little Caesars. These pizza joints are among some of the saddest pizza chains in America.
We tried meatball subs from 5 popular sandwich chains to find out...
Find the tastiest fast-food deals available right now. From free...
Do you remember these discontinued McDonald’s menu items? From...
From orange chicken to broccoli beef, here are the best and worst...
Heading to Jersey Mike's but can't decide which sandwich to order?...
Looking for new fast-food items to try? Expand your horizon with...
Love french fries? Well, like it or not, several chain restaurants...
American cheese is perfect for a variety of situations from burgers...
Tired of cooking? There are lots of cheap family meal options for...
The newest Chick-fil-A concept, Little Blue Menu, serves up some...
While fast food may seem like a matter of convenience for most...
Beef tallow has long been associated with fast-food french fries, but...
Want to know how the famous McDonald's burger has risen in price...
Always wondered what made McDonald's french fries taste so good? One...
Many fast-food chains rely on soft-serve or mixes for their...