Nicole Bruce

Nicole Bruce

Nicole is a Chicago-based freelance writer who covers travel, arts and culture, food and drink, gadgets and gizmos, and other fun lifestyle stuff. Her work can also be found on Thrillist, Marriott Traveler, BlackboardEats, Gizmodo, and elsewhere. When she's not writing, you can catch her at mostly free or nearly free shows (music, art, comedy, theater) around town, grabbing complimentary books from the public library, or traveling to some far off land to eat, drink, and either climb a mountain or float in an ocean thanks to her cost-cutting efforts. You can also find her on Twitter @nicoleabruce.

  • Stories by Nicole

Red Arrow Diner
Photo of old broken purpule boat
Three Gift Items on Tri-Toned Blue Hues
Close up picture of old chandelier in ceiling
Fighting Ageism
Teenage Granddaughter Sitting Having Tea with Her Grandmother at a Table in an Outside Cafe
Dairy Joy in Weston, MA
The Crab Shack, Tybee Island
snow boots