Paige Cerulli

Paige Cerulli

Paige Cerulli is a freelance writer living in Western Massachusetts. She shares her life with three cats and several horses, and writes about everything from autonomous vehicle technology to how to find the best deal on your next vacuum cleaner. Her work has appeared in Business Insider, USA Today, American Veterinarian, and more. 

  • Stories by Paige

McSorley’s Old Ale House
Squirrel in winter
The Best Gifts for 'Stranger Things' Fans
‘A Bad Moms Christmas’ (2017)
2023 Men Who Golf Gifts_cover
The Best Funny and Gag Gifts to Bring a Smile to Mom's Face
The Best Gifts for the Germaphobes and Clean Freaks in Your Life
Gifts for History Buffs
2023 Gifts for Women Who Love Horses COVER
gifts for men