Saundra Latham

Saundra Latham regularly exploits her grocery's fuel-points program for free tanks of gas and skips the salon in favor of the $5.99 sales at Great Clips. She has made her home in areas with a low cost of living, such as Dayton, Ohio, and Knoxville, Tenn.

Before joining Cheapism as the site's first staff writer, Saundra freelanced for websites including Business Insider, ConsumerSearch, The Simple Dollar, The Motley Fool, and She was previously an editor at The Columbus Dispatch, one of Ohio's largest daily newspapers. She holds a master's in communication from Ohio State University and a bachelor's in journalism from American University. 

  • Stories by Saundra

Kai Restaurant
Old McDonald's restaurant in Downey, Los Angeles, California, USA
Peameal Bacon
Savute's in Wichita, Kansas
South Street Diner, Boston, Massachusetts
plumbing mishap
A Cheeseball Perfect for Holiday Paries
Forsyth Park in Savannah, Georgia
Antique famous painting from the 19th century: On dress parade by J G Brown
Cleaning products.